Wellness on Wheels
Launched as part of the 24th edition of Project Refresh, our Wellness on Wheels (WOW) mobile health supplies truck embarked on its journey, bringing essential items to the doorsteps of seniors from low-income families. Over the next year, WOW will continue to serve up to 1,500 seniors across the North East district, helping those with mobility and financial challenges.

Seniors were able to select from a range of health supplies, including adult diapers, medicinal plasters, and healthier groceries like milk and fruits.

A big thank you to 好人好事 (Hao Ren Hao Shi) for partnering with us and to Geoscan Pte Ltd for their generous $75,000 donation. Their contributions have been instrumental in making this year-long programme possible, ensuring that essential health supplies are readily accessible to our seniors.